To prepare yourself for labour is very common. Sometimes you already know before you are pregnant what you want an how you want it, with some it comes when you are pregnant and other women have no idea and are happy to just go with the flow of how everything is going. What I have noticed though, is that not many women are preparing for the weeks after they have been into labour. Have you?
In an eye-opening blog from Julia Jones about saving money for your postpartum period she writes about how Australian couples spend on average $36,200 on their wedding. This to her is understandable and it gets her motivated to save up for her postpartum experience since this is just as important or maybe even more important. Julia started saving up $50 dollars a week for 40 weeks. She explains how she spend her postnatal budget in this blog.
It does make sense on so many levels, investing money in your recovery. Investing in yourself and your family. But how do you know before hand what you want? It is natural that you want to spend the money on your newborn. Buy beds, clothes, bottles, nappies ect. But what about you? Do you think life will be as normal after labour or do you know you will look and feel exhausted? When you will feel like you don't even know how to put one foot in front of the other because of lack of sleep, breastfeeding, insecurity and because you are still recovering from labour, why do you make it hard on yourself to also expect that you will cook, wash, clean and take care of others then your newborn?
We are not in the same time as 20 years ago when there was a whole village to help you out. Many women are saying that the period after birth is very isolated and lonely because in the 21st century there are no villages anymore. I strongly advice you to start creating your village when you are pregnant. You will need the help of others. You shouldn't have to do this alone.