You might be one of those (grand)parents that is going through a very rough period by seeing your child only via the computer or tablet during this pandemic. Other people tell you how lucky you are that you can now see them via your laptop or computer compared to twenty five years ago but you feel heartbroken because seeing them but not being able to be with them or hug them might be even harder then not seeing them at all.
When you can't share special moments together
Yes, being there on Skype while they are going to get their ultrasound for the first time is really amazing for the fact that it is possible. Receiving your grandchild's first steps via a video within seconds while they are 10.000km's away is indeed amazing but it is not the same. It is not the same as feeling the emotion of being in the room together, touching her belly after she heard that everything is ok after the twenty week ultrasound or going shopping together after you find out she is having a boy or a girl. It's not the same as seeing your grandchild play in a sandpit or enjoy seeing their face when they see a giraffe for the first time in their life in the zoo with you.
You are not alone
This is the harsh reality a lot of (grand)parents live in now and even though it will pass, that doesn't help for now. You are missing out now and it is devastating. Missing out on their life changing moments might feel as grief and you maybe should treat it that way as well. You are allowed to make a big deal of this because it is a big deal and it is a big loss. Have you thought of finding people in your community that are going through the same? Or even reach out on social media to see if there are more parents who are missing out and would like to share their feelings?
Sharing is caring
The reason I wrote this blog is for you to be able to share this. There are a lot of (grand)parents out there who are sharing the same grief and loss of not seeing their (grand)children because they are either overseas or interstate and not being able to see them or hug them whenever they want and it is really hard.
If you want to share your story, you can also contact Queensland Cradle Care, there is always someone here to listen.